There are many ways to engage, support, and participate in the Libertarian Party of York County, PA (LPYorkPA), as well as the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA), and the national Libertarian Party (Libertarian National Committee, or LNC). We are always excited to welcome new members or those looking to learn more. Below you will find information on LPYorkPA membership; however, if you're not ready to join yet, we have many other opportunities for your to support the party, just attend a meeting or contact us!

Membership Levels

LPYorkPA has different membership levels based on eligibility criteria. You can find additional membership information in our bylaws here: LPYorkPA - Bylaws -20220420 (PDF). Additionally, here is a summarization of the membership levels:

Resident Member

  • over the age of eighteen (18)
  • a primary residence within York County, PA
  • satisfy the Membership Requirements

Junior Member

  • under the age of eighteen (18)
  • a primary residence or academic attendance within York County, PA
  • are actively enrolled or attending an educational institution within York County, PA
  • satisfy the Membership Requirements

Social Member

  • does not meet the definitions of any other membership level; or
  • does not satisfy the Membership Requirements

Membership Requirments

Membership (excluding Social Member) within LPYorkPA has a few requirements. You can find additional membership information in our bylaws here: LPYorkPA - Bylaws -20220420 (PDF). Additionally, here is a summarization of the membership requirements:

  • an active membership, within the past ninety (90) days, in the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA)
  • opposition to the initiation of force to achieve political or social goals
  • does not hold an elected public position under any other political party
  • does not hold any elected or appointed internal party position with any other political party

Membership Process

Those seeking membership in LPYorkPA must go through a membership process. You can find additional membership information in our bylaws here: LPYorkPA - Bylaws -20220420 (PDF). Additionally, here is a summarization of the membership process:

  1. Attend a business meeting (you'll need to do this before proceeding to the next steps)
  2. Submit a membership application to the Membership Committee (the membership application can be found here: LPYorkPA - Membership Application)
  3. Meet the membership requirements and one of the membership levels (including membership in the state party)
  4. Be nominated by a current member (you will have met existing members and introduce yourself during that first meeting)
  5. Your membership will be voted on by the current members (passed by a majority)
  6. Upon being voted into the organization, you'll be granted membership as a "Provisional Member." and 90 days later, you'll obtain full membership rights!

Join the State or National Libertarian Party

Are you interested in joining the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA), and the national Libertarian Party (Libertarian National Committee, or LNC)?

Join LPYorkPA

We are so excited about your interest in joining LPYorkPA! The first step in the membership journey is attending a business meeting, where you'll meet and make lifelong friends working together to promote liberty. If you would like additional information, please use the form below to contact us: