
The Libertarian Party of York County, PA (LPYorkPA) is a county affiliate of the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania (LPPA), which itself is a state affiliate of the national Libertarian Party (Libertarian National Committee, or LNC).


      The purpose of the LPYorkPA is to move public policy in a libertarian direction by conducting the following types of activities in a manner consistent with the Statement of Principles of the National Libertarian Party (LNC) and the Statement of Principles of The Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania: effectively and faithfully disseminate libertarian philosophy; participate in volunteer activities and community outreach to lead by example through the ideas of libertarianism and voluntaryism; nominate candidates for any local political district at least partially within York County; and support local, county, state and national Libertarian Party candidates.


Business Meetings

The LPYorkPA meets on a regular basis, and meetings are generally open to the public. We encourage those interested in getting involved with the Libertarian Party, the broader liberty movement, or local freedom-related activities to attend. Meetings are hosted in-person but are also available via online video conference.

When: Generally 3rd or 4th Tuesdays - Dates & Times Vary - See Events Page

Where: Locations Varies - See Events Page

Board of Directors

The LPYorkPA is a member-run organization overseen by an Executive Committee (also referred to as the Board of Directors). Executive Committee members are elected by the membership to administer various organizational functions. The current officers are as follows:

Position Current Officer
Executive Chair Timothy McMaster
Executive Vice Chair Jacob Winograd
Executive Secretary Shawn Keller
Executive Treasurer Gage Grimm



The LPYorkPA has both Standing and Working committees. The administration of a committee is managed by an elected committee chair. The current Standing committees and their respective officers are as follows:

Committee Description Current Chair
Executive Committee The Board of Directors for LPYorkPA, is responsible for the management of the organization, control of all organization properties and funds, oversight and execution of all organization affairs, and presiding over Business Meetings. Timothy McMaster
Membership Committee The Membership Committee is responsible for maintenance of the Member Records, implementation of privacy-centric access controls to Member Records, monitoring of member compliance with Membership Requirements, development and maintenance of a Membership Application, the leadership of membership recruitment efforts, collection and processing of Membership Applications, acceptance and processing of petitions for Membership Classification changes, keeping records of Membership Committee meetings, welcoming new members and assisting with the sustainment of existing membership at large. Vacant
Outreach Committee The Outreach Committee is responsible for developing and delivering public messaging, communications, and outreach on LPYorkPA matters, planning and coordinating LPYorkPA events, managing public messaging, including internet-based profiles and sites, developing cooperative relationships with other Libertarian Party organizations, including county affiliates, fostering relationships with external organizations that share common goals to build and develop issue coalition initiatives, and building relationships with student organizations and educational institutions. Vacant


The LPYorkPA is governed by the organizationally adopted bylaws. The current bylaws (adopted on September 24, 2024) can be reviewed here: 2024 LPYorkPA By Laws